Supercharge Your Agency to Build Better, More Profitable Webflow Sites, Faster.
The exact 147 step checklist for Webflow development I created to build a $20,000+ a month Webflow agency. including 40+ in depth video guides on how we used this checklist system to streamline our development without missing important details.

Created for Client First and Relume users

Webflow development and Pre-launch checklist
A Proven System-in-a-box For Webflow Devleopers
Your step by step walk-through checklist including Preparing your Webflow project, to Building, Checking, Launching and Handing over.
40+ video guides to train your team or outsource tasks
Video walk-throughs of each checklist step
Onboarding and project management tips
Guides, examples and principles
Behind the scenes
Start projects in seconds with a ready-to-go Notion template
Simply duplicate a copy for each Webflow project
Check off each step in order during the build
Easily plug in to your existing workflow

Save hours with copy-paste tools and cloneable templates
Customer Review Generator
Message templates and videos to send clients
301 Redirects Magic Template
Project Quote Calculator
Flow Gurus SEO audit Chrome Extension
Webflow pre-launch checklist
Everything is tracked in one place so you don't miss important steps
Easily track the progress of every project
Keep project timelines on time
Have consistent standards and procedures for team members and contractors

Join our Slack group for easy support
Ask questions, find answers. We all learn and grow together.
Avoid the expensive learning curve. Use a system that already works.
Don't miss crucial steps and important details
Always know where you're up to
Launch with confidence

Tested on Over $100K+ Worth of Websites So You Don't Have To.
After building over 200 websites and experiencing the absolute chaos of trying to run a smooth micro agency operation (me and a couple of other legends), it was time to put everything in one ultimate checklist. So over the last 20 websites, we did.
The result?
This checklist has improved our build speed, increased our client conversion rate, increased our profit margins, and the quality of our work continues to improve with every website! Best of all, it's reduced the stress of projects so we can sleep at night knowing exactly what's been done and focus on the more enjoyable parts of running a business.

What The Community is Saying.

What is your business without a checklist?
The Ultimate Webflow Build Checklist
($97 value)
40+ Video Checklist PRO Course
($199 value)
Quote Calculator + additional tools & templates
Flow Gurus Starter Project
Slack Community
Total Value $296
Only $47

Adam Mura
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this checklist for?
If you're a passionate Webflow freelancer or agency who wants to streamline your development process, this checklist is for you. Especially if you're a fan of Finsweet's Client First naming conventions and Relume Library.
Who made this checklist?
Hey! My names Kaleb I'm the founder of Flow Gurus. I've been building websites and in online marketing and sales for 5+ years.
I have a small team of passionate Webflow developers and coders focused on lean, streamlined processes and automating systems to create the best websites and give our clients the best experience. For years I've been trying to build a successful business and income stream.
This checklist has been absolutely fundamental in creating a business that I can feel proud of and constantly deliver a high quality service to people we choose to work with.
Is this for design and branding?
NO. This is purely for Webflow development ideally assuming a Figma design already exists and is ready to be built.
What will I learn from this checklist?
Literally every major step of what needs to be considered for a minor or major project. Everything from setting up a Webflow project, image compression, favicon, SEO checks, and logical sequencing of each step. We have used this process on highly complex, multi-national websites valued over $30,000. These are the main steps from start to finish to ensure you have covered everything for each project.
What's the catch?
I am so grateful to the Webflow, Relume and Finsweet community. I've learnt so much from others contributing incredibly useful tools and the beautiful culture in these groups. We want to contribute to the max good of this community and start to grow a small community of people who resonate with our values and also love our systematic approach to developing with Webflow so we can continue to grow together. We're also releasing a monthly paid membership for those who want more in depth training and extra exclusive tools and tips etc.